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DISCOVER MORE—Memory games
Many of us can relate to the experience of downloading a game on our phone to pass the time for half an hour… only to realise we’ve been glued to the screen for over an hour and are completely hooked!
This is especially true for brain training games – but the good news is that while they’re undeniably addictive, brain training also comes with many benefits.
From enhancing memory to boosting productivity, we’ve outlined some of the top advantages of brain training games and why you should definitely keep playing!
1. Helps With Memory
The most significant benefit of brain training games (and some might say the only real one besides enjoyment) is their ability to help with memory.
These games are designed to challenge your memory through various tasks and puzzles. Research suggests that they can effectively sharpen certain cognitive skills that tend to decline with age, such as decision-making, reaction time, and short-term memory.
2. Reduces Risk of Dementia or Alzheimer’s
A 2015 study found a link between brain training games and improvements in reasoning, verbal learning, and completing daily tasks in a group of over 7,000 participants with Alzheimer’s.
The study noted the greatest benefits were seen in individuals who played brain training games at least five times per week. However, it’s important to acknowledge that these studies are relatively small-scale and don’t provide conclusive evidence of their effectiveness in improving overall cognitive function.
3. Improved Attention Span
Another key advantage of brain training games is their ability to enhance your attention span – a skill that’s valuable in both personal and professional contexts.
If you’ve found it difficult to concentrate lately, trying a game that targets focus and concentration could be a great way to give your attention span a boost.
4. Increased Reaction Time
Brain training games often include timed challenges and rapid-response rounds designed to test and improve your reaction speed, attention, and accuracy.
While this may not always translate directly to physical tasks requiring quick reflexes, it can certainly help you make decisions more quickly and confidently.
5. Mental Agility
Lastly, brain training games are great for enhancing your mental agility. This includes problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and efficiency in tackling challenges.
Strengthening your mental agility is something everyone can benefit from, and it’s a fantastic by-product of regularly engaging with brain training app exercises!ù